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Who we are

Brasimpar is known for its reliability forged over the years.

Since 1985, we have been constantly evolving, adapting our products and services to meet the ever-changing needs of the industry. Our pursuit of evolution keeps us at the forefront of industrial fasteners.

Innovation is more than just finding new solutions. It is what keeps us aligned with industry trends, allowing us to always be one step ahead, anticipating tomorrow's solutions. All of this is what has made BRASIMPAR known over the years for its cutting-edge industrial fasteners and the constant search for pioneering solutions.

At Brasimpar, we understand that every project is unique and requires customized solutions. For this reason, we offer not only high-quality fasteners, but also a specialized consulting service to meet the unique needs of our customers.

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Our Differentiators


Imagine having a team of passionate fastener experts at your disposal, ready to guide you in choosing the perfect fastener for your project. At Brasimpar, our consulting team is here to turn your ideas into reality, providing valuable insights into the ideal fasteners for your specific applications.


With years of industry experience, our team has the expertise to identify and reproduce any type of fastener. Whether you have a sample, technical drawing or regulatory reference, our experts can analyze it, determine the exact specifications and provide a solution that meets or exceeds your expectations.


At Brasimpar, we understand that market demands are always evolving. If you need custom fasteners for a specific project, our consultants will work closely with you from concept to production, ensuring that each fastener is designed to meet your unique needs.


In addition to consulting, we guarantee the superior quality of our fasteners. We use top-of-the-line materials and advanced manufacturing processes to ensure that each Brasimpar fastener is strong, durable and meets the highest performance standards.

Trust Brasimpar to go beyond simply offering fasteners. With our specialized consulting service, we are ready to drive the success of your project by providing customized solutions that make a difference.

Discover the world of excellence in fasteners with Brasimpar. Contact us and take your projects to the next level.

Our structure

A 6,600m² headquarters with manufacturing area located in Guarulhos, with easy access to the main highways, such as Presidente Dutra and Ayrton Senna.

One of the secrets to our quality is that we produce everything in our own factory. The combination of our modern, in-house facilities, combined with a team of highly experienced employees, technicians and engineers, has resulted in four decades of customer loyalty.

Main values


Exceed expectations of
customers with products from
quality, punctuality in
delivery and competitive prices.


To be an organization recognized for its professional and production capabilities, being a reference in
manufacturing of elements of


Achievement, agility,
commitment and innovation.


Recebimento de MP: Equipado com ponte rolante com capacidade de
carga para até 2.000 Kg (2T).

Corte: Equipado com prensas excêntricas para corte por cisalhamento e
serras fita com capacidade de corte para diâmetro até 6” (152,4 mm).


Usinagem: Tornos tipo revolver e Tornos CNC com capacidade de
usinagem para diâmetros de até 8” (200 mm).


Forjaria: Equipada com prensas de fricção com capacidade de até 250
toneladas e fornos indutivos de até 160 KWa para aquecimentos de até
8” (200 mm) de diâmetro.


Extrusão: Equipada com prensas excêntricas de 130 toneladas e
capacidade de redução para diâmetros de até 1.5/8” (41,27 mm).
Laminadoras de roscs: Laminadoras de roscas TL 30 com capacidade
para até 40 toneladas de compressão.

Tratamento térmico: Fornos de têmpera e revenimento com capacidade
de 200 kg/h, temperatura e atmosfera controlada e possibilidade de
emissão de gráficos de curva de temperatura, além de um forno para
alívios de tensões com capacidade de 200 kg/h.

Galvanoplastia: linha completa de decapagem e fosfatização.
Embalagem: Equipada ponte rolante, bancadas e balanças contadoras


Brasimpar has an ISO certified quality management system
9001 since 2001 by the certified body SGS.
Laboratory of dimensional, hardness, metallographic and testing tests
We have partnerships with ISO 17025 accredited laboratories to
analysis of mechanical, physical and chemical tests.

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